
CryoSoft, founded in 1995, develops specialized software for comprehensive design and operational analysis of superconducting magnets including electromagnetic and thermo-hydraulic analysis. The principle for CryoSoft, Dr. Luca Bottura, was educated at University of Bologna and University of Swansea. He worked for several years on the Next European Torus team at Garching (Munich), and is currently a lead scientist at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. His specialty includes mechanical, electrical, and helium hydrodynamics design and process simulation. He represents the CryoSoft company, and is the author of the CryoSoft codes.

CryoSoft Suite of Products…

CryoSoft Suite 8.3 constitutes the below list of current release products, with execution speeds improved for many of the products.


Current release version: 2.1

A multi-tasking code manager for the integration of technology-specific products within the CryoSoft Suite of codes. This simulation process manager code provides a additional level of modeling capability and customization by linking the CryoSoft codes THEA, FLOWER, POWER, HEATER into a complete system solver with unique flexibility and capability.


Current release version: 2.4

Models thermohydraulic (cooling, quench, and stability) and electric current distribution in superconducting cables. This product offers astounding flexibility and simulation power. THEA performs stationary and non-stationary Thermal, Hydraulic and Electric Analysis of a generic superconducting cable, cooled by forced-flow. The simulation software is suited for the full spectrum of evolutions, from cooldown of a coil to the stability analysis of the conductor. At the time of its release, THEA is the only code that consistently takes into account all macroscopic phenomena with the following origins.


Current release version: 4.6

Offers cryogenic hydraulic network analysis – modeling complex piping and cryogenic system, including analysis of steady state and transients processes in cooling systems and proximity cryogenics. The cryogenic system is modeled as an assembly of active and passive components forming an hydraulic network. In general the FLOWER network is composed of:

  • interconnected junctions where the flow can be steady state or transient. Junctions can be of different type, passive (e.g., a pipe or a valve) or active (e.g., a pump or a turbine);
  • volume nodes with perfect mixing of helium and zero flow, representing buffers and manifolds.


Current release version: 2.1

Provides for the analysis of electrical circuit transients in superconducting magnet systems – a simple but powerful circuit equation solver. The electric network is defined by resistances, inductances, current and voltage sources, with arbitrary interconnection and coupling. It is specially tailored for the transient analysis of the evolution of current and voltage in a coil connected to a power supply.


Current release version: 2.1

Evaluates transient and steady state conductive heat transfer in 3-dimensional solids. HEATER computes the evolution of an initial distribution of temperature in solid materials subjected to volumetric heating/cooling, with prescribed boundary conditions. It is based on a general 3-D finite element solver of Partial Differential Equations (PDE). The use of finite elements allows optimal flexibility on the modeled geometry, the heat sources and the boundary conditions considered..


Current release version: 2.9

Computes an arbitrary 3-D magnetic system, producing maps of the magnetic field, magnetic vector potential and AC loss, or the operating point, inductance and energy of the magnetic system. Magnetic field, vector potential, AC losses, loadline, inductance and magnetic energy, forces and resultants calculation in superconducting coil systems of arbitrary 3-D shape are determined.


Current release version: 1.3

Evaluates a 0-dimensional stability analysis.


Current release version: 1.0

An interactive cable designer that simulates the physical cabling process and produces geometry and electrical coupling parameters of a superconducting cable. CID provides an interactive program to simulate the cabling process, generate the geometry of a superconducting cable and calculate the electrical coupling parameters among superconducting strands (interstrand conductance and inductance). CID is a pre-processor extremely useful to facilitate the preparation of the input parameters for the simulation of electrodynamics and thermohydraulics of a cable using THEA. In addition it can be used to calculate the magnetic field and flux generated by the currents in each strand at user’s specified locations in space, thus providing quantitative means to analyze experimental measurements of current distribution.


Current release version: 2.2

Provides optimization of cross-sections of superconducting cables.